Olympics in Rio 2016 in 3+ minutes to VOA News - Sonny Side of Sports: How I would accomplish the job of reporting on the preparations for the Olympics in Rio in 3+ minutes? - For six months journalist Luís Peazê based in Rio de Janeiro has covered exclusively for the Voice of America (USA) a weekly report about what was going on around "the field" related to Olympics 2016 and the unique Brazilian environment, politically, social and economically - and of course, "the game".
Paperback – September 7, 2016
by Luis Peazê
Olympics in Rio in 3 minutes - 600 words - Weekly, Six Months
As Rio prepared for the 2016 Olympic Games, major critical issues threatened the event right from the start, from the health system, pollution, recession, mobility, the avalanche of political scandals top down from the very Presidency, the investigation of the astronomical money expenditures, the gentrification of several areas of the city, the building of tunnels, subways stations, Light Vehicles on Track, security (in the wake of escalated robberies, drug trafficking wars, and the threat of a terrorist attack) - each area was a major and critical obstacle on its own that threatened to jeopardize the event as a whole. How was I to accomplish the job of reporting on the preparations for the Olympics in Rio in only 3+ minutes? My answer to this bold question was: the Chronicle language. To explain my reasoning behind this choice, here is the true history of the origin of the Chronicle genre (...)