Alvidia, Yet Another Horizon -
e-Book (epub e kindle), English edition of the best-seller "Alvidia, Um Horizonte a Mais" published in Portuguese (2000).
Alvidia, Yet Another Horizon
Alvidia, Yet Another Horizon, by Luis Peazê, It is a different kind of adventure love story. It deals with the realization of a dream which became an inner adventure. Luís and Helga, an ordinary Brazilian couple embark on this frenzy trip of partnership which bumped into them out of the blue. Including a passage sharing a house with Bhagavan Das in Mill Valley, CA, an icon from the beatnik era who inspired Timothy Leary, Allen Ginsberg and Ram Das among many, Luís unfold a collection of encounters with people, places and circumstances feeding his search and endurance (...)
A dream come-through true story of life, of resilience and persistence, above a true love story and the complicity of the two lovers to make it to come true, that was to leave all behind, the confort and safety to go forward.