Talking about releasing Alvidia, Yet Another Horizon during the London Book Fair, (10 - 12 April) it reminds me I bought a pair of Dr. Martens right while landing in Melbourne and Alvidia was still a dream - soon it would come true and I could not imagine it was going to be the way it happened all together.

It was 1993, Helga and I had our friend Ulisses abreast and the hotel my new partners put us in was some how depressing. So I decided to rent a nice flat in roder to lift the moral, it had to be very nice and here is what I found right at Brighton Beach with Phillip Bay just about crossing street, probably the most beautiful place to live in Melbourne, and the name: Seascape! Could not get better than this.
The story is funny because being down under and I supposed to have my mind immersed or somehow myself heavily exposed to sailing or surfing, but, coming from the US I was impacted by the British accent, reazon why I bought a pair of Dr. Martens, which I still wear these days, after 25 years.