Luís Peazê (1958) was born in Canoas, RS, deep south of Brazil, in the Pampa Gaucho. He studied at a Catholic school and eventually moved to Rio de Janeiro in 1978, where he began to make his way in the working world. In the years between 1987 and 2000 he also lived and worked in the United States and Australia. He has been everything from a Systems Analyst and IT teacher to an award winning Ad-Man, an entrepreneur in plastics (active lifesytle products) and a manufacturer in California and Melbourne.
As of the year 2000, Peazê consolidated his activities as journalist, writer, publisher and translator, including among his works the acclaimed translation of the "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway, Bertrand Publisher;
He is listed in the Brazilian Literature Encyclopedia as writer, journalist and translator; founder (2003) and President of the Brazilian Coastal Institute, an NGO dedicated to building awareness of the coastal and marine environment; he also is a builder and enthusiast of wooden boats, the first Brazilian to exhibit at the Wooden Boat Festival (Washington, USA), for which he built a replica of a Herreshoff 12´, and he was made (2009) a friend Consul in Brazil for the Wooden Boat Foundation & Northwest Maritime Center (USA). Peazê has worked extensively in the marine and oceanography field in Brazil, and has been awarded medals by the Brazilian Navy. His works have also been cited by academics (professors and students) in the fields of Literature, Soccer, Journalism, Medicine, Law, Environment and Oceanography.
Married to Helga Leal (social scientist) since 1981, his son Lucas was born and lives in the USA. He lists among his passions good literature, coffee, wine, cooking and boats.
Luís Peazê (1958) - jornalista, escritor, editor e tradutor, inclui entre suas obras traduzidas "Por Quem os Sinos Dobram" de Ernest Hemingway, Bertrand Editora.
É listado na Enciclopédia Brasileira de Literatura. Em 2003, fundou, e presidiu até 2018, o Instituto Brasil Costal, ONG dedicada a difusão das questões do meio ambiente marinho e costeiro; ele também é construtor naval e entusiasta de barcos de madeira, o primeiro brasileiro a exibir um clássico de madeira no Wooden Boat Festival (Washington, USA), uma réplica do Herreshoff 12´, quando recebeu o título de Cônsul Brasileiro da Wooden Boat Foundation & Northwest Maritime Center (USA). Construiu uma dezena desses barcos, uma unidade em (2019) Portugal. É membro da IGKT - International Guild of Knots Tyers (London) membro honorário do Capítulo South Pacific, em Los Angeles.
Peazê trabalhou extensivamente nos campos acadêmicos marinhos e da oceanografia no Brasil, e foi condecorado com medalhas da Marinha do Brasil. Seus trabalhos são citados por acadêmicos (professores e estudantes) nos campos da Literatura, Futebol, Jornalismo, Medicina, Direito, Meio Ambiente e Oceanografia.
Nasceu em Canoas, RS, Brasil. Estudou no Colégio (Católico) Saõ Paulo e eventualmente mudou-se para o Rio de Janeiro, em 1978. Entre 1987 e 2000 viveu e trabalhou nos Estados Unidos e Austrália. Em 2018 estabelece-se em Portugal.
Foi Programador e Analista de Sistemas, professor de TI, publicitário premiado com medalhas de Ouro, Prata e Bronze, e empresário no ramo de plástico (fabricante de "active wear lifesytle products") na Califórnia e Melbourne, durante todos esses anos escrevendo e contribuindo para veículos de comunicação, revistas e jornais (artigos técnicos, poesia e crônicas).
Livros / Books by Luís Peazê
Alvidia, Yet Another Horizon (novel / adventure);
Santiago e o Mar (romance)
Santiago and the Sea (novel);
Crônico - A História da Crônica (literature gender chronicle;
O Organismo é Sábio (Medicine & Bem-Estar)
O Elo Perdido da Medicina (Medicine);
Punhal de Pedra (novel);
Heuristic Chart of the Soccer Coach (Soccer study);
Futebol 10 x 0 no Estado de Direito (Law/Sport);
Olympics in Rio 2016 in 3+ minutes to VOA News - Sonny Side of Sports: How I would accomplish the job of reporting on the preparations for the Olympics in Rio in 3+ minutes? (Journalism/Olympinc in Rio coverage);
Diálogo de Verissimo Pai com Verissimo Filho (satire);
Lixo Marinho (Environment / Marine Littering).
Poesia em Alto Mar & Nós / High Sea Poetry & Knoting (poesia Port/Engl)